Why has gambling reached epidemic proportions

Why does it seem so difficult for journalists report on the full scale of child rape and torture occurring to thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, ofIt has all but been ignored by the media. Journalists and editors must start connecting the dots and reporting on the wider context of child sex abuse in North... The Social Media Epidemic That Has Reached Epic … Lord, why? What started as genuine consideration for people’s needs has devolved into a bubbling vat of drama. It’s sensationalism masked as social awareness.Taking mindless offense on social media has reached epidemic proportions. It’s encroaching on freedom of speech. It’s undermining artistic...

Influenza has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, with 7.3 percent of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of Internet ... The problem has already reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and the number of "netaholics" continues to grow rapidly as more households and businesses go on-line. Yet, until now, no one from the mental health community has come forward with a specific description of Internet addiction and its effects or a strategy for treatment ... 'Gambling in football at epidemic levels but managers ...

And after the war, methamphetamine abuse by injection reached epidemic proportions when supplies stored for military use became available to the Japanese public. In the 1950s, methamphetamine was prescribed as a diet aid ...

The problem has already reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and the number of "netaholics" continues to grow rapidly as more households and businesses go on-line. Yet, until now, no one from the mental health community has come forward with a Detailed Discussion of Dog Fighting | Animal Legal ... The blood sport, once sanctioned by aristocracy, embraced by medieval gentry and later promoted by colonial and Victorian miscreants, is now completely outlawed in the United States. Notwithstanding the absolute prohibition in America, it has reached epidemic Brutality behind bars | WORLD News Group According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, AIDS is now five times more prevalent inside prison than out. And the Bureau notes that in New York State, HIV has reached epidemic proportions with more than 10 percent of inmates testing positive for the virus.

May 11, 2016 ... Gambling is not a new phenomenon, in fact archaeological ... direct result of hacking; online theft and fraud has reached epidemic proportions.

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions; worldwide, approximately 22 million children under five years of age are overweight. 1 During the past three decades, the number of overweight children in the Unites States has ... If we lose free speech on college and university campuses, we ... The criminalization of free speech on college and university campuses has reached epidemic proportions as simply expressing a point of view that runs counter to academic conventional wisdom can lead to ostracization ... Epidemic Pertussis in 2012 — The Resurgence of a Vaccine ... According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is currently experiencing what may turn out to be the largest outbreak of reported pertussis in 50 years. Why has this theoretically vaccine ...

News Bureau | University of Illinois

Article: Hooked on the Web: Internet Addiction | The Koch Facebook is the largest social networks, and “Facebooking” has practically reached epidemic proportions among the college population. WHO'S ON YOUR TEAM? - Just Ask Medical

Bullying has reached epidemic proportions in American schools and communities. We will address all levels of bullying which include, but not limited… The syndrome, eventually called Sudden Decline, soon reached epidemic proportions in Northland and Auckland. Affected trees usually suffer total...

Gangs - The Development Of In America - Educational Video #5. The proliferation of gangs in the United States has reached epidemic proportions, says Sergeant Harold M. Rochon, 20-year veteran. Gangs - The ... Obesity in India - Wikipedia Obesity in India has reached epidemic proportions in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country's population. India is following a trend of other developing countries that are steadily becoming more obese. Obesity Has Reached Epidemic Proportions -- ScienceDaily Obesity Has Reached Epidemic Proportions Date: October 16, 2000 Source: American College Of Nutrition Summary: Theresa A. Nicklas, DrPH, Professor of Pediatrics at the Baylor College of Medicine reported that the ... Prosecutorial Misconduct Reaches Epidemic Proportions ... According to some observers, misconduct across the country has reached epidemic proportions. Most often prosecutorial misconduct occurs at the state level in ordinary criminal cases. And it can take many forms—from the ...

With no federal laws governing casino gambling, the industry is regulated by the ..... unregulated gambling had reached epidemic proportions, the government of ... Summit County Opiate Task Force | Opiate Abuse Advocacy Summit County Opiate & Addiction Task Force. The abuse of opiates, including certain prescription drugs and heroin, has reached epidemic proportions ... From Steel to Slots: Bethlehem, PA's Casino Capitalism - Belt Magazine Apr 29, 2016 ... From From Steel to Slots: Casino Capitalism in the Postindustrial City by ... The gondoliers were representatives of the Las Vegas Sands Corp., the .... have arrived at a unique destination that combines entertainment, energy, ...